Even the speech of those, whose heads feel annoyed when they hear religious and Godly talks, attains calmness.

The subtle-body (consisting of thoughts and desires), which cannot be burnt by the world dissolving fire, is destroyed by the mere touch of the Guru’s hand, and the sins of many past births are cleaned and washed away. Wonderful is the power of the touch of Guru’s hand. Then joy fills my heart and love overflows through my eyes. He appears to me, as if standing before me, and applying Udi (scared ashes) to my forehead and placing his hand of blessing on my head. The word Sadguru brings to mind Sai Baba. When Sadguru is the helmsman, he is sure to carry us safely and easily beyond the worldly ocean.

Come Come o all people, do offer worship unto baba ,DasGanu says o Baba Sai, please run and manifest yourself (for my sake), o my motherĮfficacy of the Touch of Guru’s Hand - Rama-Navami Festival - Its Origin, Transformation etc.